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밤 벚꽃 즐기며 백제왕궁 문화재를 감상하는 '익산문화재 야행'

벚꽃이 활짝 피어나는 시기에 백제시대 왕궁 유적지에서 밤 벚꽃과 문화재를 함께 즐길 수 있는 기회가 제공된다 . '백제 왕궁이 살아있다' 익산문화재 '벚꽃'야행( 夜行 ) 우리나라의 대표적인 벚꽃 명소로 손꼽히는 익산시 왕궁면 왕궁리 옛 백제왕궁유적지에서 '익산 문화재 야행' 행사가 열린다. 올해는 예전의 문화재 야행과 차별화를 위해 벚꽃이 만개한 시기에 열린다. 벚꽃이 만발한 왕궁의 후원터를 거닐며 달빛아래 화려한 벚꽃을 감상하며 가족과 함께 다양한 프로그램을 즐길 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 익산 문화재 벚꽃 야행은 벚꽃이 만개하는 4월 7일부터 9일까지 3일간 '대한민국 관광 100선 '에 선정된 익산 왕궁리유적일원에서 열린다. 주요프로그램  인생 샷 포토존  익산 문화재 벚꽃 야행의 주요프로그램은 누구나 한번 인생 샷을 남길수 있는 야간 경관을 대폭 강화한 포토 존이 곳곳에 설치된다 .   MZ 세대 들을 위한   ‘ 인생 네 컷 ’  이벤트도 진행한다.  가족 단위 체험 프로그램  행사장 곳곳에  무왕  ·  무 왕비와 같은 백제 의복을 입은 사람들을 만날 수 있고 참가자들도 백제 의복을 입고 참여할 수 있는 프로그램들도 많아 마치 백제시대 왕궁에 살고 있는 듯한 느낌이 들게 한다.  다양한 체험 프로그램을 준비해 가족 · 연인 · 지인과 함께 백제 왕궁에서의 추억을 남겨볼 수 있다 .  특히 가족 단위 방문객을 위해 아이들과 함께하는 만들기 체험이 대폭 확대된다 . ‘2023  익산 문화재야행 ’ 의 프로그램 중 가장 중점을 두고 있는 점은 별 빛 아래 천년 기원을 담은 탑 돌이와 백제 왕궁 이야기를 소개하는 해설 프로그램이다. 백제 의복을 입고 투어에 참여할 수 있다.  백제 왕궁 건물터에 대한 상세한 설명을 들을 수 있는  ‘ 왕궁을 거닐다 ’  와 백제에 대해 자세히 알아 볼수 있는 가상현실 체험, 유적과 발굴 체험, 가상현실을 이용한 백제 알기, ‘ 벌거벗은 한국사 ’를 집필한    ‘ 큰

Plum blossoms of 'grace' and 'elegance'

Plum blossoms of 'grace' and 'elegance' "The cold winner and the bloody winner" The flowery language of the plum, one of the four generals of the Confucian Schola, is 'grace' and 'elegance'. Plum trees are called (Sehansamwoo: three trees that are resistant to the cold) with pine trees and bamboo, and orchids, chrysanthemums, bamboo trees, and plum trees have called a friend of Confucian scholars. Plum, which is included in both Shan Samwoo and Sagunja, is well known as a flower representing the elegance of Confucian scholars. With a clear, bright flower and deep floral scent, the plum was loved by the characters of artist and painters and always appeared in paintings. Above all, it has been recognized by us as a flower that overcomes the cold and blooms and informs the spring. Also, the plum tree is also a symbol of constancy, incision, and loyalty, and it seems to have been used as a material of poetry and drawing

Chinese characters 富(wealth) typography

This design is Chinese characters 富(wealth) characterized by their production. Clover pattern using the four characters rich combination because clover is considered lucky. A central circle will gather wealth China's character 富 means wealth. Everyone wants to be rich. China, Korea, and Japan love this letter (富) because they use Chinese characters. People in China enjoy using golden letters on their red background because the color of the golden letter symbolizes wealth. Made in the sense that everyone wants to be rich. This design product can be purchased in Red Bubble. There are a wide variety of products such as t-shirts, tank top, leggings, mini skirts, and pillow, sticker, tote bag, and throw pillows I hope everyone who reads this will be rich I hope everyone is happy both physically and mentally.

A white lotus

A white lotus There are many kinds of lotus flowers all over the world, but most of the flowers are reddish red and white flowers. Lotus flowers are loved by many people because they do not get tainted by mud and they make beautiful flowers even in dirty places.  In Asia, beautiful flowers bloom in the mud, and muddy water does not bury them, giving lotus flowers a special meaning. You can see lotus patterns in various places when you go to temples. You can also see the lotus blooming lotus flowers. Because the lotus is a flower that symbolizes Buddhism. Among them, the white lotus is widely used for edible food. Flowers and leaves are made by tea, and the roots are often eaten by the action of clearing blood. Lotus seeds are used to boil the porridge. Its name is Yenjajuk. The photo above is taken at a temple last year. By chance, the flowers are halved and the inside of the flower can be seen well. This photo was used with stickers, t-shirts. Frames,

The old language of Korea(Seokpposangjeol)

The old language of Korea( Seokpposangjeol) The design of this product is based on the motif of the Korean treasure, Seokpposangjeol. Seokpposangjeol is Korean treasures. It was printed in the old languages of Korea. A book in Korean and Chinese. The name of this book is Seokpposangjeol. Seokpposangjeol The Seokbosangjeol (釋譜詳節) is a Korean biography of Gautama Buddha, together with a selection of his sermons, collected and compiled by Prince Suyang (later King Sejo) of Joseon. The book is translated from Chinese sources, including the Lotus Sutra, the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Pūrvapraṇidhāna Sūtra and the Amitabha Sutra. It is the first known instance of Buddhist sutras being translated from Chinese into Korean. Suyang commissioned the creation of the Seokbosangjeol after the death of his mother, Queen Soheon, intending it to ease her passage to the next life. It was, however, also made available to the general population of Korea, to encourage the propagat

Korean consonants design

Korean consonants This design was expressed in Korean consonants. The character of Korea is Hangeul. Hangul can represent any sound. 18 characters to express Korean consonants. There are many works expressed in Korean consonants. Because it is very beautiful. ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ,ㅅ,ㅇ,ㅈ,ㅊ,ㅋ,ㅌ,ㅍ,ㅎ, ㄲ,ㄸ,ㅃ,ㅆ,ㅉ. Korean alphabet This design can be purchased from Red Bubble. $29.17 Public price: $35.00 In addition, there are more items 53 View Details


DON'T BUG ME I CAN DO MYSELF It's annoying if I let the employees speak when I go shopping. Sentence to use for quiet shopping Maybe staff will not tell to you and quietly watch you. You can enjoy a quiet shopping. There are many other products such as tote bags, smart phone cases, stickers, and mug cups. Learn more about the product

Cloth wrapper (Bojagi) pattern, Chiffon Tops T-shirts

Cloth wrapper (Bojagi) pattern, Chiffon Tops T-shirts A patch of cloth wrapper. It is a design that uses patterns of Korean cloth Bojagi. A bojagi is a traditional Korean wrapping cloth. Bojagi are typically square and can be made from a variety of materials, though silk or ramie are common.  Embroidered bojagi are known as subo, while patchwork or scrap bojagi are known as chogak bo. Bojagi have many uses, including as gift wrapping, in weddings, and in Buddhist rites. More recently, they have been recognized as a traditional art form, often featured in museums and inspiring modern reinterpretations. Bojagi is sometimes used to wrap things up or to cover food. Using the five colored cloth. Red Bubble Price $26.67 Public price: $32.00 More details