7월, 2017의 게시물 표시

추천 글

밤 벚꽃 즐기며 백제왕궁 문화재를 감상하는 '익산문화재 야행'

벚꽃이 활짝 피어나는 시기에 백제시대 왕궁 유적지에서 밤 벚꽃과 문화재를 함께 즐길 수 있는 기회가 제공된다 . '백제 왕궁이 살아있다' 익산문화재 '벚꽃'야행( 夜行 ) 우리나라의 대표적인 벚꽃 명소로 손꼽히는 익산시 왕궁면 왕궁리 옛 백제왕궁유적지에서 '익산 문화재 야행' 행사가 열린다. 올해는 예전의 문화재 야행과 차별화를 위해 벚꽃이 만개한 시기에 열린다. 벚꽃이 만발한 왕궁의 후원터를 거닐며 달빛아래 화려한 벚꽃을 감상하며 가족과 함께 다양한 프로그램을 즐길 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 익산 문화재 벚꽃 야행은 벚꽃이 만개하는 4월 7일부터 9일까지 3일간 '대한민국 관광 100선 '에 선정된 익산 왕궁리유적일원에서 열린다. 주요프로그램  인생 샷 포토존  익산 문화재 벚꽃 야행의 주요프로그램은 누구나 한번 인생 샷을 남길수 있는 야간 경관을 대폭 강화한 포토 존이 곳곳에 설치된다 .   MZ 세대 들을 위한   ‘ 인생 네 컷 ’  이벤트도 진행한다.  가족 단위 체험 프로그램  행사장 곳곳에  무왕  ·  무 왕비와 같은 백제 의복을 입은 사람들을 만날 수 있고 참가자들도 백제 의복을 입고 참여할 수 있는 프로그램들도 많아 마치 백제시대 왕궁에 살고 있는 듯한 느낌이 들게 한다.  다양한 체험 프로그램을 준비해 가족 · 연인 · 지인과 함께 백제 왕궁에서의 추억을 남겨볼 수 있다 .  특히 가족 단위 방문객을 위해 아이들과 함께하는 만들기 체험이 대폭 확대된다 . ‘2023  익산 문화재야행 ’ 의 프로그램 중 가장 중점을 두고 있는 점은 별 빛 아래 천년 기원을 담은 탑 돌이와 백제 왕궁 이야기를 소개하는 해설 프로그램이다. 백제 의복을 입고 투어에 참여할 수 있다.  백제 왕궁 건물터에 대한 상세한 설명을 들을 수 있는  ‘ 왕궁을 거닐다 ’  와 백제에 대해 자세히 알아 볼수 있는 가상현실 체험, 유적과 발굴 체험, 가상현실을 이용한 백제 알기, ‘ 벌거벗은 한국사 ’를 집필한    ‘ 큰

Nap Lower Risk of Alzheimer's

Nap Lower Risk of Alzheimer's Many people are experiencing drowsiness after lunch. We feel sleepy because the blood supply to the brain decreases after lunch. So a short nap gives a rest to the brain. Thirty minutes of relaxation is in the workplace improves efficiency and helps in health care. A person who takes naps can improve his memory and lower the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease compared to those who do not take naps. Because certain memory advancements are activated when sleeping, people who routinely take a nap are more psychologically stable and motivated. So what is the best environment for a nap? First, close the windows and turn off the lights and your phone. Do not drink more than one cup of coffee a day. Caffeine stimulates the nerves and makes it difficult to sleep. But do not sleep too long, take a nap on a regular basis every day, 30 minutes a day. Set the alarm clock so that you don't fall asleep too deep.


A GOOD-LUCK CHARM When you sleep on your pillow or always carry on, you make your wishes come true. An amulet carries to fight disease and spirits. People believed that carrying amulets in their bodies would prevent unhappiness, so people used to stick an amulet in the doorway. The amulet was drawing on paper with red cinnabar or engrave on a wooden board. The red color has the power to drive out demons and symbolizes life and emotions. Therefore, people believed that an amulet made from red or yellow would have occult efficacy. This pattern was used with Throw Pillows, Stickers, T-shirts. Frames, and clocks. The products are sold in Red Bubble.   View Detai l

This pattern means 'life'.

This pattern means 'life'. The design is based on Chinese character 壽, meaning life. In Korea, when a baby is born, put this pattern in the dress meaning that the baby lives long. Older people wear these pattern design clothes on a happy day. Also, they wear a pendant this pattern containing A long life is an old dream. In that sense, it is to wear clothes and accessories with this pattern. This design product can be purchased in Red Bubble. There are a wide variety of products such as t-shirts, tank top, leggings, mini skirts, and pillow, sticker, tote bag, and throw pillows. View Detail

Beat the Heat with Summer Fruit

Beat the Heat with Summer Fruit Summer fruit contains a lot of healthy nutrients that promote good health. Summer is high season for peaches, which are popular for their sweet and tangy flavor and juicy flesh. Peaches are low in calories but still very sweet. Amygdalin in peaches has calming and relaxing effects that help with a good night's sleep. Aspartic acid, glutamine and citric acid help relieve stress. Watermelons have potassium, which reduces blood pressure. Lycopene and citrulline in watermelons have anti-aging properties. Tomatoes are also summer staples with lots of nutrients. They contain high levels of antioxidants such as lycopene, beta-carotene and lutein, which lower blood pressure. Tomatoes, rich in vitamin C, also help relieve fatigue, lower cholesterol and prevent fat accumulation.

The garden poppy, Fascinating but deadly ... 'Red temptation'

The garden poppy , Fascinating but deadly ... 'Red temptation' Nature, which is the peak of the season, boasts the best seasonal beauty. Passing through spring to summer, nature is the peak of the season, boasts the best seasonal beauty. Therefore, seeing flowers is the best time of the year. The colored magic of green leaves brightens the blooming space of flowers. In particular, the epitome of beauty by the end of June to late May, poppy flowers in season. The red petals move under the high and blue sky makes admirable It is good for the whole family to enjoy the freedom of daily escape. The garden poppy can be mistaken for 'opium flower', which is a raw material of drugs. Unlike poppies where cultivation is prohibited, however, ornamental poppies have no opium ingredient. The poppy is own colorful, vivid flowers if the only sun. From the most common red ones, the colorful flowers of yellow, pink, and white poppy, such as orien